
Cancer - Curable with Bioresonance?

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There’s a lot of talk about Bioresonance these days. To be honest, we can’t blame people for being interested in the field and what it does, that very interest we had allowed us to research and invest in founding Bio-B itself!

Because we work so hard to make sure that the process is refined and perfected to guarantee results, more and more people are approaching Bioresonance with an open mind, and much less scepticism than before.
Consequently, this does mean that we have experience in treating physical illnesses. Things which attack the body on a scientific level, instead of a spiritual one. However, don’t believe for a second that this means that the two aren’t intrinsically linked together. What’s going on spiritually does have an impact on how well you do physically, which is why we are going to take a look at whether Bioresonance can be used to try and tackle one of the biggest illnesses out there via the help of a video - cancer.
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How Does Cancer Work?

Think of the human body as being like a well-oiled machine. Every cell in our body is constantly dying and splitting up. As the old cells die, the new cells take their place. You are, biologically speaking, a completely different person now than you were 10 years ago.
But imagine for just a second what would happen if the processes that go on automatically went wrong. Let’s say that cells were dying before they were supposed to, or new cells were forming when they didn’t need to. This would be the result of a disease. And this disease would be called cancer. It’s basically a term given to a whole selection of different diseases which start to break down and destroy the body via the creation of cancerous cells.

Can Bioresonance Help?

Conventionally, the treatment for cancer is not a pleasant one. You’ve probably heard of chemotherapy before. In essence, they are destroying all cells, good and bad. In theory, it allows the body to start again and create a whole new set of healthy cells to keep going with. However, the process also destroys the immune system completely. You become very susceptible to other illnesses and large amounts of pain on a regular basis because your body can’t handle any of that.
However, Bioresonance might well be able to help in combating cancer. We are not for a moment suggesting that this is a miracle cure, because unfortunately, that doesn’t exist. However, it has been discovered that it’s possible to destroy cancer cells via the use of Bioresonance.
As the video will go on to tell you, professionals have begun to look into using Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields, which can destroy cancer cells in a similar way. We won’t spoil the video for you, because it’s definitely one that we encourage you to go and take a look at, but it’s an interesting prospect. We believe in energy fields and how they can influence the body - so it’s fascinating to think that by adjusting the energy that the body absorbs, we could help to combat something as big as cancer. Watch for yourself and see what you think! 

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