
The Top 5 Health Concerns in Barbados

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You might think that Barbados is a place where people can go and spend their lives living in comfort and peace. After all, it certainly looks to be an incredible place to be. However, like all locations in the world, Barbados has its own selection of common issues and problems that you should know if you are concerned about any symptoms you may have, or friends or family who may experience these health conditions.

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Here are the top five health concerns that people living in Barbados or people planning to live here should know about.

Heart Disease

Heart disease, like a lot of issues, can be a silent killer when undiagnosed. Life in Barbados is one example of a place where heart disease seems to be a popular condition, however; with symptoms ranging from chest pains to full-blown heart attacks, it is important to try and live an active lifestyle to combat one of the common causes of this issue - inactivity.


Diabetes is a condition which results in an inability to properly process sugar, and as you might guess can lead to issues in life. Obesity is one of the common causes of this health problem, although it can also be genetic in some situations.  However, there is no doubt that the condition can cause some problems.


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition which can stay hidden for years and manifest as a health problem in later years. However, it does seem to be common in Barbados, with things like a stroke and coronary heart disease being issues one might expect to encounter.


Owing to its occurrence in many common health conditions, people would not assume that obesity is a problem all its own. However, people who do suffer from obesity will find there are a slew of different health conditions which can stem from it, which makes it important enough to talk about. While obesity can impart be treated by exercise and a good diet, in some cases there are medical conditions which prevent this.


Strokes can be caused by a variety of different problems, but it’s a very common health condition and can have long-lasting effects in the event people survive. Partial paralysis of the face, of the body, as well as overall discomfort, are quite common for those who deal with the after-effects of a stroke, and it’s important to know that this is one of the most common health conditions statistically.

So does living in Barbados increase my risk of these conditions?

Absolutely not. In fact, living in Barbados has incredible health benefits - Barbados is a very healthy place to live. So why highlight these conditions - you may be asking? Well the truth is, these are common ailments across the world in many countries, however, are statistically common health concerns found in Barbados - and our aim here is to raise awareness of these conditions, along with how partnering with Bio-B can not only improve your lifestyle and reduce your risk of developing these common conditions but also allow us to help you or your loved ones cope and improve their living conditions, should they suffer from these common ailments and conditions.

Is There a Solution?

A common question that a lot of people ask is whether or not there is a solution to health conditions like these, because they can be quite upsetting and distressing. We find that a healthy lifestyle supported by an experienced Bio-B therapist, in conjunction with our Bio-resonance therapy, can help to provide the body with the long term care that it needs, to either limit your chances of suffering from these conditions, or assisting with those living with these conditions by reducing pain or suffering, and increasing mobility and comfort. You should never feel like you need to deal with these conditions unnecessarily, and should always make sure that you seek help from us if you need it.

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